
aNYcase is the brand that expressesauthenticity and the femininity of a woman cosmopolitan, scrappy, aware… And a lover of his own style. Knowledge in the production of women's clothing, and experience in distribution as wholesale women's clothing, dates back to the early 2000s, when the focal point of the company was above all the knitwear sector.

Subsequently, the company decided to expand its reference product sector, with the aim of identifying and reflecting each woman in a "aNy-case"Total look. Thus was born in 2011 the aNYcase brand, in the nerve center of Italian fast-fashion: the Macrolotto of Prato. aNYcase is women's clothing wholesaler and a brand that stands out above all for its continuous and careful attention research of materials, constantly seeking and renewing the quality of the final product, combining the latest trends with a unique and recognizable style.